“Love one another even as I have loved you.” (John 13:34)
“For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.” (John 12:15)
Welcome to my website and to my unique ministry. My name is Sam Kauffman. I invite you to take off your shoes, grab a cup of coffee or tea, maybe a little chocolate something, to discover the joy I have found in developing the music, stories, dramas, poems and programs offered through A Servant's Heart.
The two quotes that greeted you when you arrived are from John. They are at the heart of my ministry as I strive to serve the People of God. When I started this ministry, I promised our Lord that if God opened a door, I would walk through it.
Be careful what you promise to do for God!! That promise has taken me all over the United States, to Canada and Europe presenting 80-100 programs a year with dynamic one-woman dramas, retreats, worship services, special events, workshops and concerts all the while meeting extraordinary people who love and serve our God wherever they are. I stand in awe of the people of God. You inspire me!
Thank you for making a place in your busy day to spend a few minutes with me. It is my hope you enjoy the music, songs, poems and the audio clips found here - that the programs and original dramas show you new ministry possibilities or ways to support what you are already doing.
Know that I would be honored to work with you in whatever capacity I can serve your church or ministry.
Come and rest here often so we can abide in and be refreshed by God's love as sisters and brothers in Christ. Return soon to discover what new adventure God is offering.
If you want to leave a prayer request here, please do so as prayer is an integral part of my ministry as a member of the Body of Christ. It is a powerful tool for God's kingdom.
My prayers go with you as you go your way. God's every grace and blessing be yours until we meet again!!!
Sam - one of God's lambs |